In the Dark, We Must Become the Light

Holly Woods
6 min readDec 20, 2022


Photo: Zac Durant of Unsplash

There’s something magical and mysterious, and somber, about the darkest days and longest nights of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice.

The ancients imagined the Sun stood still, and attempted to capture the diminished sun’s rays through neolithic monuments, such as Newgrande in Ireland and Maeshowe in Scotland.

Fire and light were symbols of these celebrations, as were festivals of feasting and freedom from enslavement and other trappings of social configuration.

And still, in the season of darkness, we have always turned toward the lights.

Light is the Antithesis of Darkness

During the several long hellish decades of my spiritual awakening process in this lifetime, I imagined myself becoming freer, more clear, even perhaps “pure” in the sense of fewer impurities.

Lighter. More light-filled, or “radiant,” as they say in spiritual communities, which we now know is part of a quantum physics journey from alignment to synchronicity.

In all my trauma recovery work, there would be a visceral release of toxins and residue of the former suffering. Following the release, I could breathe deeper and feel more organically connected to the field and all of nature and the humans in it.

Having remembered and dealt with the karma of so many past lives, I also knew that whatever side of the victim-perpetrator loop I was on was irrelevant… I was letting go of the entire pattern and its resonance.

Still, this process of recovery and release hasn’t ended. Patterns continue to release, including one this week of “not fitting in” as my strange multidimensional Beingness is so far from being mainstream.

And yet, I have always known that the journey of death-rebirth is an evolutionary and involutionary process that accelerates not only my own impact in the world, but also affects the collective of humanity.

When I live as a fully embodied and vulnerably open human, I am making a difference for all humans and the cosmos.

“Doing the work,” as we would say in the personal development field, perpetuates a brightening of the entire human species.

Having recently read Christopher Bache’s LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven, his recounting of his journey of high-dose LSD for 20 years, I feel validated in having had many similar experiences almost primarily from my contemplative journey.

And from that, I also reaffirm, similarly, that nothing matters more than taking care of the unresolved detritus that lives within me.

To become lighter and more light-filled.

As Bache notes in Diamonds from Heaven,

“Matter is the canvas that life paints upon. It has no capacity to act apart from the animating presence of consciousness, and is responsive to the direction of consciousness. Therefore, whatever our experience in space-time, we must have the courage to sit still and face the fact that we are experiencing nothing but the manifestation of our own consciousness.

No matter how terrible the pain, no matter how horrendous the injustice, or inscrutable the logic, our experience in space-time is a direct expression of our consciousness in a higher order of reality.”

Light is just matter freed from its restrictions, constraints and limitations.

As we become light-filled, our life force becomes more pure and available to move freely in response to the field within and between us.

The Necessity of Light

And from that context, light is only the flip side of shadow, within and without.

And of course, our world reflects our inner experience.

The season of darkness comes from the steady turning of the earth. Every cycle of the earth’s rotation returns to stillness. Silence. The dark.

Just like every out-breath requires an in-breath.

Every outer endeavor returns back inward to its origins, to its center, and begins again.

From death comes new life, and from the darkest night, the new dawn is born.


And as we become whole, grounded, embodied beings, our light shines within, radiating the hope for humanity’s future.

Light is the Expression of Humanity’s Soul

Your light is the unique expression of your Soul, the individuation of Spirit living within you.

And Spirit moves within us as the field radiating among us, attempting to unleash that which makes us special, unique and the culmination of the multitude of reincarnations that yielded your current divine form.

The light that shines within and between us is the only thing that will save us.

No amount of strategic planning, systems thinking, metacrisis sense-making or integral dissection of the current human and planetary calamities will be resolved until we as humans wake up to the notion that we are both responsible for, and recipients of, these crises.

The World is As We Are

And therefore we must see the urgency of turning on our own lights.

Time-Space is not an illusion for humans in material form.

In the deeper notion of Deep Time, extended well beyond the current physical material reality on planet Earth, the illusion of space-time can be transcended.

And here we are. On planet Earth. Humans living in skin bags, most of us devoid of the capability to transcend space-time, much less our own suffering.

To imagine that some of us will not suffer immeasurably in the coming decades or generations is to bypass the fact that some of us are more fortunate than others.

Whom we are as humans, collectively, is what we experience in the outer world.

We evolved these crises to reflect perfectly, as a mirror, the current expression of our consciousness.

Without the mirror, we would continue to fester in the darkness, the soup of neglect of each other and the planet.

What is the Purpose of Your Light?

Enlivening your unique light through an awakening to who you are, what is yours to do, and living more consciously aware of and in service to that light- that evolved and expanded consciousness- is the reason your Soul brought you back here to the planet at this time.

To be of service to your own Divine awakening, and to the greater awakening of humanity by doing so.

And connecting your light to the grid of Beings, in this and other galaxies and dimensions, so that we may co-create something new on this currently hospitable planet, is the most delicious invitation that Mother Earth has ever extended.

Becoming Illuminated, Together.

When we come together as friends, as companions, as lovers and the Beloved, to be held and loved and dance together, a circle of support is formed to help us find our way into the darkness.

So that we may find our light, together.

Now, more than ever our lives require that we live among those who wish to help us find our way.

Those who allow us to turn inward to listen to our deepest desires.

To encourage us to take the in-breaths so that our lives become a reflection of what truly matters.

To Be and Do that which lights us up.

And from this darkest night, when the Sun stands still, we become ourselves again.

Awakening Together.

About the Author

I’m the Author of the bestseller, The Golden Thread: Where to Find Purpose in the Stages of Your Life. Download this free audio course to learn about your own Golden Thread of purpose.

I am a purpose activator and catalyst. I warn people they shouldn’t be near me unless they want to become a new version of themselves. That scares some people, delights others.

I’ve spent my life imagining a world where we could become who we’re meant to be so our purposeful gifts can be a nuanced puzzle piece for our puzzling world. I’m the creator and dreamer behind the Purpose Flywheel™.

I’m obviously now working to help us all become limitless. To create an inconceivable alternate version of the reality we currently expeirence. For all of us, not just some. Stay tuned or contact me to get started now.

Learn more at Emergence Institute.



Holly Woods
Holly Woods

Written by Holly Woods

I guide leaders to navigate the uncertain future so they can enact world-changing visions, rooted in purpose and catalyzed by synchronicity,.

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