Despite the Choppy Seas, the Winds of Change are in Our Favor

Holly Woods
8 min readAug 16, 2023


Photo Nathan Dumlao- Unsplash

One of the greatest challenges of our (post) modern world is to reconcile that the “bad” or challenging things that happen to us are typically just mirrors for what we need to see about ourselves in order to grow to the next version of who we’re becoming.

Blaming the “others” is not only counterproductive, it’s just plainly a lie. We’re all connected, and therefore all responsible for our current scenario.

I wish I’d known this earlier. I’d sure have saved myself a bunch of suffering… but it was often exactly what I needed to gain a new perspective on how I was limiting my success and happiness.

And the critical step, of course, is to look for the silver lining in each circumstance before the victim attitude sets in.

For instance…

Throughout my early career, I’d be hired into a position that I quickly expanded in scope and breadth (I chalked it up to my enthusiasm for learning and growth.)

I had a keen ability to see things hidden in plain sight, and to come up with solutions to “fix” these problems.

A few of my bosses (often senior Execs or CEOs) weren’t keen on being challenged, nor did they care to adapt their style or scope to my exuberance. The level of gusto I brought worked well in some companies or industries, less so in others.

When I was forced to put a lid on my excitement, and restrain the insights or innovations I would eventually produce, I would feel disrespected, marginalized and isolated. I wondered why I was experiencing such disastrous consequence for my desire to improve and grow beyond the limits placed upon me.

And then, after an especially tough debacle with a former CEO who blamed me for the systemic dysfunction, it dawned on me…

…perhaps I wasn’t communicating well enough the intent and purpose of my enthusiasm? Maybe there were elements of the culture and scope that I didn’t understand? Maybe I was intimidating those who hadn’t arrived at the same awareness?

Consumed by the jetstream of my own zeal, it hadn’t occurred to me that both my style and methods weren’t adequate for the task of creating a narrative that might be more acceptable to those with the power.

In fact, as I looked more closely, this same pattern had existed in many of my personal relationships.

Ultimately I became aware that facets of my purpose include the ability to “speak powerful truths” and “shine love onto shadow,” which I thought I’d been doing all along, but without the level of finesse, care and compassion that was warranted in many of the former scenarios.

In other words, I was misusing my own power (to speak truth) and definitely not bringing love to the table.

Eventually, I was grateful for the chance to see my own shadowed commitment to truth that in fact marginalized and intimidated others without creating an optimal exploratory and dialogic environment.

Because we live in a world that mirrors our own fractured and unconscious ways, the world is filled with abundant opportunity for us to examine what we aren’t accustomed to seeing.

The Silver Lining of Our Current Global Metacrisis

As in our personal lives, if we look closely enough, our global metacrisis points to the very solutions that will help us better navigate the future.

There has never been a better time for a significant revolution in our perspective.

To see what we haven’t been looking for.

We need an inner and outer quantum leap in our witness capacity that can push us to new ways of being and living to resolve the dilemmas in which we find ourselves.

The fear of our uncertain future pushes us to learn new ways, and more and more of us are being activated to want to create a different world.

People are asking- “what can I do or how can I be more prepared?” — to contribute to the rapidly devolving world we live in.

How to See the Future Differently

In fact, there are two requisite and complementary skills we need to see the future differently.

Subject-Object Perspective

First, we need to see outside the obvious frame of our self-oriented perspective.

As Robert Kegan writes about In Over Our Heads, the ability to step outside our personal viewpoint and see the world as “other” or “object,” we are splitting our perspective-taking capacity into seeing ourselves (subject) and everything that lies outside of us (object.)

Thus, not only are we able to see more of the world, we can see it in a wholly unique and evolved way. We come to know and understand the world more fully as we witness it outside of self.

Like my example above, as I was able to step outside my “self” orientation to feeling marginalized, I could see that my approach to “fixing” things was done without a level of awareness and maturity that would have benefited each scenario.


Second, we need to grasp and embrace the ability to see paradox.

Paradox is recognizing that sometimes life or the world is complicated and seemingly contradictory things can both be true.

This ability to see the both/and qualities of life is an advanced move, and requires the witness capacity described above (subject-object perspective) and also a willingness to step outside any rigid frames of cultural conformity or belief systems that hold us to a more narrow perspective.

Until I could step outside my own perspective in the example above, and allow myself to explore how I could BOTH have important insights to share AND also not be doing a sufficient job at communicating them could I work my way to a better outcome.

Here is a series of articles I wrote on the Power of Paradox in early 2022 to invite us to free ourselves from the chains of our narrow ways of seeing the world.

As we examine our own personal patterns in the world to explore how we can become better navigators of the future, it’s also helpful to explore the paradoxical seas in which we swim.

Global Polycrisis AND Positive Prevailing Forces

While we tend to think mostly of the challenges in navigating the rough waters of our current polycrisis, it is also true that emerging societal forces are converging to help us create the revolution in awareness (and navigational skills) that we need.

These are just a few of the current paradoxical global conditions that may in fact help us plot our future course.

Technologic Distraction AND Global Connection

Despite the insidious nature of technology to distract us from valued human interaction, creating isolation, loneliness, and exacerbating mental health conditions, when used well the ubiquitous connection of the internet has created a massive global interconnectedness.

You, like me, probably have friends and colleagues all over the globe. Never before have we experienced the richness and diversity of our human experience.

As well, the proliferation of tech platforms can also promote inclusivity, belonging, and has contributed to the emergence and adoption of human innovation. We are learning from each other at a massive scale, leading to unparalleled creativity and collaboration.

When used and promoted in optimal forms, our digital connections continue to bring tremendous value to our lives and display the grand web of our kindred humanity.

Political Disenchantment AND Reconfiguration of Freedoms

In addition to technologic improvements, and despite the continued deterioration of global political systems, the struggles of the last few years have ultimately amplified global connection and unity, highlighting commonalities among humans rather than differences.

This focus on commonality expanded our awareness of the human right for freedom to have not only minimum viable sustenance but also to evolve, develop and aspire to their highest potential.

As well, rights have begun to be attributed to planetary entities in regard for the consciousness of all beings. Nature itself, and non-human beings, are gaining rights that were formerly only attributed to humans.

Economic Expansion AND Quest for Alternate Economic Systems

Despite the further proliferation of market economics, the expansion of global connectedness has prompted a call to question traditional capitalism in its pure form.

The deepening inequality of global populations and sectors is no longer hidden and is promoting new ideas about a sharing economy.

It seems obvious that our future must reconcile the disparities for much of the global population whose well-being is questionable even now, without further system collapse.

Return to Cultural Roots AND Spiritual Renaissance

Never has there been such a surge and interest in BOTH returning to our cultural roots- the arts of homesteading, sustainable agriculture, DIY and off-grid lifestyles, AND consciousness-raising activities formerly deemed acceptable only among spiritual communities.

Mindfulness, meditation, and other consciousness-raising activities are evoking an expanded state of awareness, creating a focus on purpose, awakening and belonging.

The psychedelic revolution is contributing to this movement, along with an increasing tolerance and acceptance of spirituality as next-level human evolution.

As people gain access to these advanced states and stages, the induced healing, integration and mindfulness all promote more cognitive liberation and enable creativity. This, in turn, contributes to the well-being of the human species and ultimately the planet AND a return to self-authoring lives.

Emerging Perspectives

Even if we are able to create a plethora of innovations that address the polycrisis…

Even if we take advantage of the positive prevailing forces that are working in our favor…

We will still need to become better at navigating our wildly uncertain future because of the self-reinforcing amplitude of the current climate and economic feedback loops, and because we have been so slow to respond.

No matter how challenging the world will become, we will surely need to become the highly (and differently) skilled navigators who can see past our limited perspectives to allow the unknown future to emerge.

About the Author

I’m the Author of the bestseller, The Golden Thread: Where to Find Purpose in the Stages of Your Life. Download this free audio course to learn about your own Golden Thread of purpose.

I’ve spent my life imagining a world where we could all become who we’re meant to be, awake and alive in a way that allows us to express our most innate, natural and purposeful gifts.

I believe the bridge to our future exists in becoming rooted in our purpose, and more prepared for the unknown. Download the Navigate Our Wild Future Playbook to gain tools to help you prepare.

And very soon we’re unleashing an immersive and experiential initiative called Sacred Human Expedition, designed to help us all learn to navigate from love, not fear, and become the audacious and inspired Creators the world needs now.

Stay tuned or contact me to learn more.

Explore at Emergence Institute.



Holly Woods
Holly Woods

Written by Holly Woods

I guide leaders to navigate the uncertain future so they can enact world-changing visions, rooted in purpose and catalyzed by synchronicity,.

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